Light Transport Solutions

I don't want to hear a squeak of complaint out of anyone.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Always carry a spare tyre (or two).

Shouldn't it be the rider who looks in his mirror occasionally?

I've heard of air-cooled motors, and liquid-cooled motors, but ice ...?

I wonder what tune it plays as the air whistles past the pipe ends.

The rider's job is follow the fence panel while it wobbles around
– and just hope a road happens to follow that path.

Imagine what this bike looked like when the crates were full of merchandise.

See the health & safety hazard here?  Right, he's going to
die of lung cancer – if something else doesn't happen first.

The ultimate hoola hoop dance.

Cheap transport for the whole family.  Who needs a Toyota Tarago?
